Thursday, August 29, 2013

Isn't Juicing Still Juicing?

I find it remarkable that when a MLB player tests positive for steroid use media outlets make it sound like the world has ended and when an NFL player tests positive for steroids it's ho-hum almost like nothing happened. And the bigger the baseball name the bigger the storm while no matter the NFL name no one cares and I feel that steroids in the NFL are way more harmful than steroids in MLB, because of the violent nature of football and how big and strong the players are they can cause more harm to one another compared to a guy with a bat assaulting baseballs, but yet the storm around baseball players will always be louder.

In 2013, 20 NFL players have been suspended for violating the substance policy of the NFL the biggest name which is Von Miller linebacker for the Denver Broncos. Fine the substance policy covers everything from illegal drugs like weed and cocaine to PEDs (Performing Enhancing Drugs), but still the media fallout from these 20 names compared to the 8 major leaguers suspended for PEDs in 2013 were completely different. I bet you can name at least 5 players of the 8 that were suspended by MLB while outside of Von Miller the other 19 names from the NFL are damn near anonymous.

What I find troubling is that players in MLB are pretty much forced to have these press conferences and apologize for their PED use while the NFL players are protected by the mighty shield of the NFL and ESPN. The shows on ESPN would much rather talk about how the absence of the player is going to effect the team instead of criticizing the player like they do to the MLB player. I hear "A-Rod is a cheater" spewing from most ESPN gas bags while Von Miller is no longer even spoke about and if he is it's in passing. Von Miller also tried to cover up his use of a "foreign substance" that's why he got 6 games instead the usual 4, but no one outside of NFL fiends that read the full details would know that he did, but everyone knows about Melky Cabrera's fake websites trying to explain his use.

It's almost as if NFL players have to kill living things before they're put into the spotlight of a "bad guy" (and even then after their jail time they probably could come back and play in the NFL and make millions just ask Michael Vick and Dante Stallworth) while a fake positive from a drug test would almost immediately peg a baseball player as a bad guy cheater type and once you're a cheat in baseball people start talking about voiding contracts and things of that nature and trying to ban said player from the league taking their lively hoods. I guess people are waiting for a juiced up football player to kill someone on the field, well that's bound to happen.

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