Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Now that the Game is Over..

So on Sunday I was one of the 111.5 million people who sat to watch the Super Bowl and as unsatisfying as the game was the old moniker of defense winning championships came true once again with the Seahawks dominating the Broncos to a 43 to 8 score. Does this make Peyton Manning any worse of a quarterback or diminish the great season he had up until that point? No. Whenever Manning decides to retire he'll definitely be a first ballot hall of famer. One Super Bowl ring or 2 he'll still go down as one the best quarterbacks to play the game. To some people Dan Marino is the best quarterback of all time yet he has no championships and Trent Dilfer has one ring to his name so does that make Dilfer better than Marino? I think not.

But I must give it to the Seahawks they got to Manning using their front four defensive linesmen (something that no team had done to Manning this season) leaving their physical secondary to rough up the Broncos wide receivers (also something that hasn't happened all season). Leaving Manning looking old, unathletic, and just plain ol' out of it. By halftime the game was over. I predicted that the NFC winner was going to win the Super Bowl and I was right, but I would've liked Peyton to capture his second title, but now let's lace up and play ball.

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